
Thoughts and ideas on strategy, design, technology, and beyond
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Ebooks & papers
Kamran Khan
VP of Partnerships
Roberto Cortez
Global Client Executive
Charlie Li
Senior Executive VP and Global Head of Cloud and Security Services
Matthew Dresden
Executive Director, DevSecOps Practice Lead
Bob Comsa
Sr. Staff Engineer, Digital Engineering
Jim Brusnahan
Global Functions IT Business Partnership
Jeremy Cooper
Client Partner - Extended Reality & Internet of Things
Josh Parmenter
Digital Eng. Mgmt. Associate Director, Mobile Engineering
Christina Merrill
Founder & CEO
Chappell Ellison
Director of Digital Strategy
Loren Baxter
Head of Design
Jon Winsor
Entrepreneur, Author, and Open Talent Expert
Jonathan Gibson
Executive Vice President, Marketing & Business Development
Brian Huss
VP of Innovation
Heather Hudnall
Chief Nursing Informatics Officer
Dan Mall
Showing you how to use design to live a better life
Tammy Soares
Kim Curley
VP, People & Organization Consulting
Scott Campagna
Emerging and Immersive Technology Sr. Director
Dr. Daniel Rifkin
Bryan Kearney
Ryan Fritzsche
Digital Sales Leader
Clemens Conrad
Practice Lead, Movement - The Future Of Mobility
Sarah Diseker
Executive Director, Sr. Client Partner
Chris Fox
Sr. Vice President, Digital Transformation Services
Janet Szczesny
Sr. Product Experience Designer
Kayla Conrad
Digital Sales Executive II
Khalil Virji
Client Partner - North East Region
Geoffrey Moore
Author, speaker, advisor
Jason Foster
Regional VP of Digital Strategy & Solutions
Lisa Woodley
VP, Design
Cathy LoDuca
VP, Public Sector Consulting & Digital Transformation Services
Nate Berent-Spillson
VP of Engineering
Kristen Foster
Director, Service Product Development
Danny Presten
Chief Methodologist
Keith Skronek
Digital Technology Executive Director
Paul Hlivko
Chief Experience Officer & CTO
Holly Kessinger
VP of Digital Experience
Logan Daigle
Agilist Management Director
David Schell
Sr. Principal, Product & Experience Design
Robbie Elliott
GM & VP, Southeast Region
Brant Beard
Assistant VP Application Services
Per Kristian Stoveland
Generative artist, co-founder of Void
Jamie Bernard
Sr. Product Director
Nathan Henry
Executive Director, Senior Client Partner
Keith Buehlman
Senior Director Business Agility
Clinton Bonner
VP, Marketing
Aubri Robertson
Head of Content
Natalie Kurz
Director, Head of Product Design
Ruiyan Xu
Lead Product Manager
Frēz Ferrino
Assoc. Director, Product Design
Phil Morehead
Director of Product
Dan Formanek
Senior Product Director
Trevor Anulewicz
Vice President, Strategy
Woody Floyd
VP, General Manager - West Region
Gina Trapani
VP, Product
Mark Orttung
President, Launch by NTT DATA
Chris LoSacco
VP, Solution Architecture
Ash Howell
Senior Design Director, Visual and Emerging Design Lead
Rhonda Adams
Energy Practice Lead
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