Different by design: Beyond a catchphrase and into game-changing results

When we had the chance to develop Launch by NTT DATA, this was foremost in our minds — not a catchphrase but an ethos. The proposition needed to be truly innovative and the entire approach deliberately designed.
“Different by design” is the very essence of our innovative spirit, and it comes to life every day in the transformative work we do for our clients. Here are five things that truly make Launch by NTT DATA different. And yes, they’re all done by design.
1. We give every client a continuous team
Great collaboration relies on strong relationships, and the strongest relationships come from a core team that takes your product all the way from idea — sometimes even idea discovery — to impact. Sounds like common sense? It’s actually not as common as most people think.
Oftentimes, designers are in one corner while coders sit in a different area or even company, and so on. Not only is that inefficient (after all, it means every team needs time to get on board and up to speed, one by one), but it also radically increases your risk of spending time, energy, and money on a product that’s not actually possible. For example, the design team may have a beautiful vision that solves a gigantic problem for your target audience – and then the coding team discovers it’s impossible to physically bring to life.
At Launch by NTT DATA, we avoid time-,energy-, and money-wasters like these by thinking holistically about every facet of the work. We don’t silo our experts and then toss the project over the fence when one team is done. You’re working with a cross-disciplinary team from the beginning. With your core team, you’ll execute with increased velocity and deliver with increased confidence. You’ll see it and feel it.
2. We focus on software over slides
Four great companies came together to form Launch by NTT DATA, and we haven’t lost that hustle. Our goal is to build and launch transformative software – not just talk about it. Yes, slides can be useful, but they are a tool, not a milestone or an accomplishment. Far too many companies in the digital experience space spend way too long crafting the “perfect” deck. If vaporware is your thing, by all means, stick with them. Instead, we are laser-focused on getting minimum viable products into market early and often so we can gather feedback, make improvements, and move forward with a ton of confidence. That’s when you really have something to talk about.
3. We’re proud to be honest challengers
Order-taking isn’t a partnership; a willingness to challenge and be challenged is. Product and platform innovation is a mindset, and sticking to it means asking and answering hard questions. You can count on us to do it and we crave the same treatment in return. It’s the only way to end up with products people love and to have repeatable success with one another.
4. More importantly, we’re pragmatic visionaries
We’re the first to admit this one sounds counterintuitive, but hear us out. Our visionary side stems from what startups do best. High velocity, frequent releases, and fast feedback are staples of how visionaries move on winning concepts. But, executing as a singularly focused start-up vs. executing as a mature enterprise requires a different and pragmatic framework. We call it Aim, Engage, Grow and it’s clear, effective, and helps our clients continuously deliver winning products. You know who loves us? Dissatisfied yet optimistic technology leaders because they want to cut through the MBA speak, remove hurdles, and work with a team that gets them from day one.
5. We’re firm believers that no size fits all
We don’t try to squeeze products into trendy categories. It doesn’t work and our research tells us, you agree. Just because everyone was talking about blockchain didn’t mean every company needed blockchain-based solutions. Shoving square pegs into round holes didn’t work when we were kids and it doesn’t work now. Instead, we invent what’s next by getting a deep understanding of your audience’s needs, validating our solution in the market through novel experiences, and scaling from there.
Because this is how we work every day, we’ve built the foundation for more reliable emergency response communications, transformed transportation for millions of New Yorkers, automated hundreds of hours of monotonous tasks, and so much more. If you’re ready for a technology partner that is actually different in thoughtful and meaningful ways, we’re ready to start something new with you, today.