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Mobility is the reinvention platform for any enterprise

There’s a striking difference between optimization and innovation

Optimization polishes what you already have, making small, steady gains for your existing workflows and products.

Innovation focuses on the new and novel

Innovation reinvents the rules, harnesses the power of new technologies, and encourages pioneering ideas to define the market in a brand new way.

Unlike innovation, optimization comes with limits

Optimizations will hit a ceiling of diminishing returns. Additionally, focusing on optimizations can block your team from breakthroughs you simply won't see as opportunities to reinvent.

Reinvention is a must, but today’s enterprises are struggling to stop 
fine-tuning the familiar and fully embrace the groundbreaking.

Where do you begin? How can you ideate in brand new ways?

There’s a critical opportunity most enterprises 
miss: mobility. When harnessed to its full potential, it’s a platform to reinvent your entire business model.
Reinventors: Total organizational change. Big risk, big reward. Transformers: Partial organizational change. Medium risk, medium reward. Optimizers: Limited organizational change. Small risk, small reward.1

Going beyond wheels and wings

What we know

Mobility isn’t industry-specific anymore

It reaches far beyond the automotive, maritime, and air travel verticals. Instead, it’s the fuel for an entire ecosystem of ideas that are emerging at an ever-increasing scale.
What we know

Mobility creates new market leaders

The most innovative enterprises in all industries are using it to expand — they’re going beyond the obvious to create next-generation capabilities and experiences.
What we know

Mobility leads to smarter products and operations

Mobility-fueled innovation drives quantifiable business impact — from stronger brand visibility across new markets, to attracting new brand ambassadors and partners, and unlocking new revenue streams.
[In 2014] the average high-end car already had roughly seven times more code than a Boeing 787. As we approach the next inflection point, cars will become productive data centers and, ultimately, components of a larger mobility network.”
McKinsey Quarterly, “Mobility’s Second Great Inflection Point” 2
our perspective

Going from vision to victory

Mobility-fueled innovation is incredibly powerful, but the solutions are not always obvious. As mobility has expanded beyond the “traditional” industries, it’s become harder to conceive of new ideas that will truly make an impact.

Start with a commitment

Your enterprise must want to change — and it can’t happen in a silo. Leadership must commit to having a broad community drive the project, including engineers, UI/UX pros, and leaders of specific business units. Bringing everyone’s thoughts together from day one will lead to a stronger finished product.

Ask the catalyst question

No matter the industry, most mobility solutions start with the same question: “We’ve got to do something to improve our operations and expand our footprint. But what?”

Think bigger

It's not time for baby steps to squeeze slightly higher margins. Discover and explore business models where mobility-based solutions create net new revenue opportunities for your enterprise.

Pinpoint the achilles heel

Game-changing, mobility-fueled innovation addresses your most pressing pain point. Determining what your business needs, what your audience wants, what they’ll engage with, and how you can build and scale it, comes from a series of critical questions, including:

  • Where are our gaps in revenue, both now and in the future?
  • What are our current tech systems?
  • What kind of tech debt do we have?

Beat the competition

Design-led principles empower you to more rapidly explore, visualize, and test mobility-fueled concepts with real users. With modern prototyping techniques you can learn in weeks what would once have taken 6+ months.
real-world success

MTA’s big digital dreams for the city that never sleeps

Communication gridlock for North America’s largest public transit authority

New York City’s Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) gets millions of riders where they need to go every day on over 6,400 subway cars, 5,700 buses, and two commuter trains. Yet, they didn't have a centralized way to share delays and other important updates with riders — making a communication reinvention an absolute necessity.

The vision: A grand, central information station

The MTA wanted to create the mass transit system of the future — starting with a rider engagement platform that could power all of their communication channels, including social media, email, websites, apps, and digital screens.

How they got there

Launch by NTT DATA built MTA Mercury, a central CMS and source-of-truth communication platform where a message can be written once and published across multiple endpoints. Anyone in the MTA can easily program and control messaging heading out to millions of riders on a daily basis. With plans to install over 50,000 digital screens across their network and build new applications, MTA Mercury was designed with scale in mind so it can uplevel every rider’s experience.

Leading the pack


With a goal to create better working conditions for truck drivers, Aurora’s autonomous self-driving truck pilot program has become a shipping accelerator for FedEx3, a tool to maintain a steady flow of inventory for IKEA4, and a way to scale customer service for Schneider National5.

Amazon Alexa

The same Alexa consumers use at home turned the Buick Enclave into a moving productivity booster. With simple voice commands, drivers can seamlessly connect to their favorite music services, check their calendars, add to their to-do lists, create a Whole Foods shopping list, and control their smart homes.


Three years after Tesla introduced its own small library of video games for parked-car playing, Steam threw its hat into the mobility ring and gave Tesla owners access to one of the world’s biggest video game catalogs.

A global manufacturer

One of the world’s oldest full-line lift truck manufacturers has reimagined modern factories and logistics with smart forklift fleets that accomplish more without burning out human workers.
2007: the beginning

How did we get here?

When Apple unveiled the iPhone in 2007, it didn’t just launch a product — it launched a revolution. Right there in our hands was proof that businesses can make a paradigm shift. Not only did Apple reinvent a century-old invention, it transformed our perceptions. All of a sudden, the telephone played an incredible role in our daily lives.
Every once in a while, a revolutionary product comes along that changes everything… Today, Apple is going to reinvent the phone, and here it is.”
Steve Jobs’ 2007 iPhone presentation 6
2010: The Evolution

A new dawn of mobility

Leading the charge was Chrysler, which developed a way to use the iPhone as a key fob of sorts, capable of unlocking the doors, rolling down the windows, and controlling the temperature inside. By 2010, Chrysler had the world’s first vehicle information iPhone app that included details about overall operation, the warranty, video demonstrations of the car’s features, and even access to 24/7 roadside assistance.

Skeptics scoffed at first, dismissing these functionalities as mere gimmicks. But as smartphones became so ingrained in our daily existence, these are the experiences people came to expect — and now demand.
real-world success

Turning railcar sales into a self-serve experience

The vision: Self-serve sales

TrinityRail’s sales and leasing process was a ten-week, labor-intensive offline experience. They knew they could make the process shorter and easier for everyone with a fully digital self-service model where customers could search inventory in real-time.

Disrupting a traditional market

As North America’s premier railcar products and services provider, TrinityRail is in a market that has remained largely unchanged for decades — making impactful disruption even harder.

How they got there

TrinityRail turned to Launch by NTT DATA’s Rapid Product Validation process — a three-week design sprint aimed at validating a new idea. TrinityRail Marketplace was the industry’s first digital innovation of its kind, earning them the “Carvana of the railcar industry” moniker and elevating their market leadership.
All aboard – Take the best path to product success with TrinityRail’s insights
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It’s tempting to take a wait-and-see approach unless evidence clearly shows that industry disruption is imminent. But by then it may be too late, as demonstrated all too well by cautionary cases from Borders and Blockbuster to Compaq and Kodak.”
Harvard Business Review, “Knowing When to Reinvent” 7

It’s time for big leaps

Optimization will only take you so far. Explore mobility-fueled innovation and see what kind of breakthroughs you can create.
Making more strategic investments empowers you to leverage smarter tools, own data that drives further innovation, and have a clear way to explain The Why to new partners and customers. We’re no longer talking about the future — we’re delivering it.
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