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Connected training platform

How we helped

Connected training platform

How we helped

Connected training platform

How we helped

Connected training platform

How we helped
The ask
Want to get bold work like this done?
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The world’s first intelligent and app-enabled soccer ball

Following the iOS launch of the miCoach Smart Ball, adidas partnered with Launch to bring the Android experience to market. The Bluetooth (BLE) enabled soccer ball, paired with mobile application, trains athletes to fine tune their technique and kick like a pro.

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Material design translation

By analyzing customer feedback from the iOS launch, paired with adopting Google’s recently announced material design, our team was able to deliver a best-in-class Android UX.

BLE for Android

In preparation for an Android launch, we needed to ensure the app would perform as reliably across a wider range of Bluetooth options.

iOS social sharing

We collaborated with adidas on implementing iOS app features, including sharing, following the Android app launch.

Google Glass

Partnering with adidas and Google X, we explored the ultimate companion for a hands-free experience while practicing in the field. The BLE headset offered real-time feedback, while athlete’s kept their eye on the ball.

“The ability to convert all of the information you are able to receive through the app into your next kick gives you an extreme advantage against anyone who is not using this technology.”
The impact

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