Greg Larkin

Founder and CEO at Punks & Pinstripes

Greg Larkin

Founder and CEO at Punks & Pinstripes

<span class="text-size-large">Greg Larkin is the Founder and CEO of Punks & Pinstripes, a vetted community for Business Punks. He's the author of the international best-seller "This Might Get Me Fired," and was the global director of new product innovation for Bloomberg from 2010-2015. Greg's entrepreneur life began in 2006 when he was the first person to publicly predict the subprime financial crisis. That prediction propelled him and his startup Innovest to an $18million acquisition, and set him on the transition from startup entrepreneur to corporate intrapreneur. Greg has since worked with Google, Uber, PWC, and across the Fortune 500 launching new businesses and transforming old ones. Greg and his family live a mile from where he grew up in Brooklyn.</span>


9:00 am
10:00 am
General Session on 3rd Floor

Unlocking impact: The 5 enemies of innovation

award presenter
fireside chat
group speakers
client panel