Are you prepared to innovate?
Download 10 Tough Questions: Test Your Readiness for Enterprise-Level Innovation now and start pulling ahead.
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Innovation OS

Your innovation operating system for a steady flow of new, novel, and valuable solutions.

Create a market-changing innovation program
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You know you need to stay ahead

Innovation OS is a structured approach to generate and rapidly scale innovation concepts on a continuous basis. It’s anchored in measurable business value and ROI.

Innovation OS is a strategic enterprise framework and toolset to establish centers of excellence for managing innovation. It includes:

  • An assessment of your organization’s current innovation maturity
  • A scalable process to identify, prioritize, and prototype the best ideas on an ongoing basis
  • Recommendations for new technologies, business mapping, and even physical space changes to ensure your organization is set up for continuous innovation
  • Communication guidelines, staff training, and change management strategies to get your team excited about transformation

Our dedicated experts will engage your internal champions and augment your team with Launch resources to help ensure seamless execution. The end result? An enterprise-wide innovation mindset, not just pockets of sporadic innovation.

You only need one strategic partner to create a steady stream of solutions

Every enterprise’s choice: Innovate or stagnate
Put your innovation strategy to the test with these 10 questions
Download the ebook

"Launch has been a long-standing and trusted partner of DTE."

Richard Ramirez
Head of Innovation at DTE
Take a closer look

Benefits of Innovation OS

Our approach is more than just advice — it’s robust and structured to set direction and prepare your team for transformation.
Build innovation muscle
New habits take deliberate practice. Innovation OS is a proven system that gives you a path forward that's also tailored for your needs and goals.
Explore with purpose
Innovation OS eliminates change for change’s sake. Explore emerging technologies, business model reinvention, and new products and services that create top-line revenue opportunities.
Easily identify winning ideas
Choosing what to pursue is hard. Innovation OS gives you a five-pronged test to quickly and easily spot ideas that deserve more investment and time.
Create & measure impact
Innovation OS is ROI-driven. Establish specific KPIs and tie your innovation efforts directly to business value.
Drive culture
There’s a difference between a culture of innovation and innovation theater. Innovation OS empowers everyone on your team to make a measurable impact.
Go. Go. Go. Faster
Innovation OS busts through organizational inertia and generates massive speed and scale.




Having ideas isn’t the problem

Most companies want to continuously innovate but they don’t know what to do. You need more than advice — you need a tangible, actionable roadmap. Innovation OS gives you repeatable, scalable processes, governance, and execution.

Make new, novel, and valuable part of your day-to-day

Forget gut instinct. Innovation OS uses five critical questions to measure the value of your ideas so you can move forward with confidence.

“Does the business want this? Does the end user want this?”
Determine if you are solving the right problem, meeting your organization’s needs, and creating something end users find valuable.
“Can we do this?”
Figure out if your idea aligns with your technical maturity, specifications, and readiness for execution.
“Should we do this?”
Consider key business metrics and look at your value chain for economic impact and sustainability.
“Can we realize this?”
Determine if you have the right people, skills, and partners to successfully and efficiently bring your idea to life.
“Are we aligned on this?”
Compare your idea with your organization’s existing strategy and see if it can fulfill a long term purpose, both strategically and operationally.

What does continuous innovation look like?




Gather all great ideas so nothing falls through the cracks. Innovation OS adds structure to your brainstorming process.




Use our five questions to discover which ideas deserve more investment and time.


Prototype/ MVP


Prototype/ MVP
Design, conduct, and document quick experiments to gain knowledge and confidence.




Present your learnings to select areas of the organization, get buy in, and start operationalizing real-world solutions.




Expand deployment, share the framework broadly, and begin operationalizing innovation throughout the organization.




Share tangible results that tie back to measurable business value.

There’s a difference between innovation theater...

and actually building a culture of innovation.

Pockets of innovation vs. systematic change
One-off attempts aren’t repeatable or scalable. Innovation OS transforms how your organization approaches and executes innovation to create lasting change.
Cool kids vs. culture club
Continuous innovation isn’t for the privileged few. Innovation OS creates a culture of innovation for all — fully inclusive and connected to the business.
Lip service vs. new products and services
Innovation theater doesn’t move the needle. Innovation OS helps you build ideas that create actual value and impact your bottom line.

We innovate differently

Count on us to be your honest challengers. Let’s push boundaries and outshine the competition.
Business value obsessed
Forget shiny objects and pet projects. We’re focused on long-term growth, and specific KPIs keep us all honest.
Dense (in a good way)
You don’t have to reinvent the wheel. We have a proven system to forge your path forward, that’s tailored to fit your organization.
Inertia blasting
We understand what keeps enterprises stuck. Learn how to avoid waste, move fast, learn quickly, and unlock value.
Only positive disruption
You have existing customers, products, and services you can’t disrupt. We’ll help you innovate without cannibalizing what’s made you successful.
New day, same people
Continuous innovation comes from a continuous team. We eliminate a stable of vendors by being an end-to-end partner that’s invested in your success.

Okay, but what do I actually get?

Expect the following from Innovation OS:
Get an assessment of your current state of innovation followed by a path forward.
See examples
Typical strategy deliverables:
Maturity index questions
Current state innovation maturity and 10-point assessments
Innovation operating framework
Future innovation operating vision and strategy
High-level innovation roadmap and rollout plans
Operationalize innovation with process tools for pipeline and portfolio management.
See examples
Typical management deliverables:
Inventory current product candidates
Innovation pipeline process
Innovation portfolio management framework
Metrics report and evolution plan
Ideation pipeline prioritization
Get your people and structure aligned with must-haves including budget and staffing recommendations, support, and change management.
See examples
Typical organization deliverables:
Accountabilities, role descriptions and org charts
Recruitment/staffing plan and execution
Innovation framework, training & rollout support
KPIs and success metrics
Make internal communications faster and easier with a consistent voice and cadence to celebrate your wins.
See examples
Typical communication deliverables:
Communication guidelines
Establish communication channels and purposes
Custom brand kit
Technology reports
Make innovation part of your machine with virtual, physical, and business infrastructure recommendations.
See examples
Typical infrastructure deliverables:
Digital tools inventory and recommendations
Physical spaces and experience inventory recommendations
Business context and mapping

Let’s work together to create a culture of continuous innovation that sets your organization apart.

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